Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Symbols Expressed In Jewelry

Culture and the gods of ancient race

Step back in time, when can see that Egyptian culture is rich in symbols, talismans, amulets, etc.. Hieroglyphics discovered by archaeologists on the walls,

for example, have told stories of creative as talismans exhumed from mass graves was used for magical and mystical. Even ancient Egyptian Pandora Sets have shown that these symbols, documents describing what was once considered

the "gods word."

For the ancient Egyptians tried to understand the world and everything in the universe under earth, sky, moon, sun and stars. As such, they gave different

names for celestial beings, among other things, and worshiped them as gods. For example, Ra is considered the god of the Sun, while the nut was considered

the God of Heaven.

The Egyptians also used different symbols to represent various gods and pulled the various pieces of art or hieroglyphs as a means to spread the word,

lessons or even superstition These gods. Ankh, for example, which appeared in various tomb paintings, it means "eternal life" and was worn to protect the

ancient Egyptians. Some even say that the ankh was based on the Christian cross.

The eye of Horus, on the other hand, they say drive away evil spirits. Horus is one of gods most ancient and important in Egyptian culture. It is believed

that the eye of Horus pendant was even worn by many Egyptians in antiquity. Parable with a scarab beetle symbol was actually based on common Beetle in

antiquity. The Egyptians observed beetles rolling balls of dung on the land (for food and eggs) and compared this to the sun being rolled across the sky.

Then came the symbol used to represent rebirth.

Egyptian symbols in modern times

Although these Egyptian symbols are centuries old, yet we can see in this day and age. They are used for various forms of art, paintings and creative

graffiti and tattoos. Visit a tattoo shop and you will find that the most common image or show pictures of the clients are Egyptian symbols like the ankh, or

eye of Horus.

Others, such as cosmic Pandora Beads designer David Weitzman, were inspired by these

symbols to create a beautiful and exquisite pieces of jewelry in Egypt. Using the symbols of the Egyptian rings, pendants, Pandora, rings and amulets, Weitzman will continue the tradition and culture of ancient Egypt, and allows the

user to the same power and magic that had been donated to these symbols long ago.

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